
Africajarc : a common project


Africajarc : a tool of cultural exchange


MIADE association


 The troop Kongo-Ba was of passage in the Lot in 1996 and was invited to occur to Cajarc. During the exchanges which followed each other it, rose the project of an intervention in school environment.

 Two members of this troop came so back from the Burkina Faso to realize this project which meanwhile had been growing. The intervention concerned then 8 schools distributed on the Lot and Aveyron.

 Powerfully helped by Europe, Department of Education, the Regional council, the General councils, the ADDA and the ADDM 12, and the other partners, the experience, supervised by all the APE of the concerned schools, was achieved and considered positive by all.

 Relations of friendship were bound among Anani and Akouvi Apétogbo and their hosts.

 This ended project, both considered that it was necessary to give a continuation to this action. It is here that intervenes the creation of the association Miadé, the object of which is to pursue this method of cultural meeting between Africa and France. A first facet was the coverage of it of these two professors which distribute classes today and organize spectacles in the whole of the region.

 The continuation of this method, beyond dancing lessons and beyond percussions distributed to the children and to the adults, was indeed to create events allowing to give to appreciate all the wealth of the African cultures.

 Where from the birth, in 1999 , of the 1-st African festival to Cajarc.


MOSAIQUE association


 Created to Figeac at the beginning of year 1999, Mosaic suggests fighting against the exclusion by favoring the solidarity in the brotherhood and the sharing.

 This association wants:

- a structure of reception, advice, frame of the young people, for a better social integration. Last April, it welcomed about twenty children of cities discriminated by the Paris region to make them discover our rural environment.

- a structure of organization and of promotion of cultural and humanitarian events, with within first hours of the war in Kosovo, a partnership with French Red Cross, in a program of assistant to the refugees.

 After a first meeting which sealed the decision to collaborate on the project of festival AFRICAJARC, Mister Alioune Badara Niang, father of one member of the association implemented everything to give concrete expression to this project. He allowed us to obtain madam Aminata Tall's sponsoring, Vice - president of the Senegalese National Assembly, as well as Mister Maurice Senghor, nephew of the former(ancient) president of Senegal, and big regulator of the African culture, to which we owe the participation of Touré Kounda to the 1-st AFRICAJARC.



AFRICAJARC : a common project


 The school project 1997/1998 of the association Miadé ended by several spectacles, among which the one to Cajarc, the given outdoors, and who allowed to collect one thousand persons.

  In front of the enthusiasm, as many children as parents, germinated the idea to pass in another stage of this new relation. The first project allowed a contacting of an important part of the population of Cajarc with a different culture.

 The Festival should be able to give concrete expression to this opening, install durably this meeting in our region and allow a current of regular exchanges with Africa.

 The Mosaic association having objectives and similar projects, it is quite naturally that his members agreed to work in association with the association Miadé on this project.


AFRICAJARC : a tool of cultural exchange


 The major objective of this festival is naturally the cultural exchange between the countries of Africa and our rural regions which have not often the occasion of resources of the direct contacts with different cultures. So, AFRICAJARC should allow to discover and better to know the African culture under all his aspects....

 By the music, with the come of artists of various countries of Africa, the implementation of classes and spectacles. By the dance and the tales, of which the troop Kongo-Ba takes care. By the gastronomy, with the possibility of sampling typical dishes. By the cinema with projection of films and documentaries By the theater, with representations given by African troops. By the painting, the sculpture and the photography, with the implementation of exhibitions of African artists. By the local craft, a sort of African market should present fruits to tissues by way of books, bronzes, musical instruments, games, different objects...

..... And so fight against the ignorance and the intolerance, often convenient to the racism and to the exclusion.

 A continuation of the festival could be then the implementation of projects of exchanges or journeys between the Lot and Africa.

 This leads to take care of what all the elements which should constitute the festival are exclusively bound in Africa, and allow effectively to bring a real image of the African cultures.